
Village North News - Keeping our Neighborhood Informed & Connected!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Recyling Event at Jim Miller Park 11-10-2012

Each post is intended to be information about or for the benefit of Village North Subdivision including events, garage sales, or affecting us in some way. I welcome any news or information about the neighborhood and will share what I think might be of some use, benefit, or just to let you know what is going on.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

VN Watch Group

F U!

Follow Up...Follow Up...Follow Up?

Who are you?  You're so brave to mail letters to residents with anonymous pen name.  I wonder if you'll be brave enough to stand in front of homeowners to mention your concerns or hide like cowards. 

Your behavior is clannish and passive aggressive.  But I suggest you actually read the Cobb County Code of Ordinances - I've placed a post here in my blog long ago.  You may be interested to know you are incorrect on many accounts.  But that's your call on how you treat other residents in Village North.

What will you do next - post photos of people you don't like or watch?

Each post is intended to be information about or for the benefit of Village North Subdivision including events, garage sales, or affecting us in some way. I welcome any news or information about the neighborhood and will share what I think might be of some use, benefit, or just to let you know what is going on.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Homes for sale or sold in Village North Subdivision

1647 Rex Drive - Update - this went under contract same day it was listed - it was shopped to the realtor's investor clients and never got to the open market - sorry....

3/2 raised ranch going to the Cobb County Courthouse steps 3-6-2012 - at the time of this post, McCurdy Candler (foreclosing attorney) has not posted an opening bid on their website - http://www.mccurdycandler.com/foreclosureListings.php

2664 shaw road has a lake and is asking $315,000 - hope they get it for our sakes!

2483 Lorrie Drive sold recently for $110,000 - by owner property sold to resident within Village North
1614 Rex Drive -(Closed 5-24-12 for $72,500) 4/2 Fannie Mae foreclosure in rough shape - Asking price is $77,500

1617 Rex Drive - Now under contract - asking price was $189,900 - set to close 8-30-2012...that's when you'll find out final selling price.(former listing Sold/closed 2-22-2012 for $54,500) 3/3 - foreclosure that is in poor shape - Asking price $57,000

1631 Rex Drive - (Sold and Closed for $61,100) 4/2 - foreclosure being cleaned but in poor shape - Asking price is $59,900.

2483 Lorrie - 3/2 - For Sale By Owner - no disclosure of price after making phone call to owner.

2408 Renny (Sold and closed for $188,875 - final price after adding in VA Funding Fee) - Possible squatters in the property - police called and have been notified.

2419 Rachel Court - (Sold and Closed for $74,000) 3/2 - Asking price is $109,900 and under contract.

1660 Charity Court - (Sold and Closed for $132,750) 5/3 and in good shape as a normal resale - Asking price is $150K.

1641 Sonya - (Sold and closed for $157,000) 3/2 - good shape as a normal resale - Asking price $160,900

Each post is intended to be information about or for the benefit of Village North Subdivision including events, garage sales, or affecting us in some way. I welcome any news or information about the neighborhood and will share what I think might be of some use, benefit, or just to let you know what is going on.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Great Desert Dish Off today - You missed some tasty desserts

Who were the contest winners?

Each post is intended to be information about or for the benefit of Village North Subdivision including events, garage sales, or affecting us in some way. I welcome any news or information about the neighborhood and will share what I think might be of some use, benefit, or just to let you know what is going on.

RAVN Pool Rules

RAVN Pool Rules

Each post is intended to be information about or for the benefit of Village North Subdivision including events, garage sales, or affecting us in some way. I welcome any news or information about the neighborhood and will share what I think might be of some use, benefit, or just to let you know what is going on.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

RAVN Pool Event REMINDER!! Come on out and ENJOY! J

RAVN Event REMINDER!! Come on out and ENJOY! J

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ9NyLn8SB2MYfnI7r3UXGoUu1Cjg6F3mufMWcL_8KFnLkfcmNaSunday, June 24th 2:00-3:00pm
Dessert Dish-Off
Come out and bring your favorite Dessert to share!

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQZdTnVae9jlRcaVhUKAZ7TtD9gUISIaKdrbZ9M_tBmDQvCe0pTQTuesday, June 26th 7:00pm
$2.00 Tuesday Trivia
Play trivia and get a chance to win in a 50/50 drawing at the end of the Summer J  ALL proceeds go towards RAVN improvements! Test your ‘knowledge’ and have fun with your neighbors!!

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSVLayrU9bjXba2urzWMDjsvr_C9_liMlSTCGNmECda1BiftE7NWednesday, June 27th 7:00-9:00pm
Wine Tasting Wednesday
Bring your favorite wine, PLASTIC glasses and ENJOY!

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTYYGr9eJ10k1wpgf65iq_BNuL8uvgIdFsp7yloiB_9QIVnzhRFUwFriday, June 29th 9:00am – 3:00pm
Saturday, June 30th 9:00am – 3:00pm
RAVN Yard Sale
Held at: 2452 Lorrie Dr
**We need more stuff to sell & Volunteers to help out!! Please contact Bambi @ 678-508-1870 OR bambipapp@att.net
to arrange for item pick up or drop off!**

Each post is intended to be information about or for the benefit of Village North Subdivision including events, garage sales, or affecting us in some way. I welcome any news or information about the neighborhood and will share what I think might be of some use, benefit, or just to let you know what is going on.

This weeks quick RAVN Reminder
1. For those members living along Wilderness Way, we are in the works of posting a sign that clearly shows the path from Wilderness Way to the pool.  Please be on the lookout as to not infringe on the other property located behind the pool. Thanks :)
2.  We are trying to get the final items together for a Friday Family Film night on Friday, June 22nd @ 7:00pm... more information to come!
3. The RAVN first Dessert Dish-Off on Sunday, June 24 2:00-3:00pm!! Bring your favorite dessert to share and your SWEET TOOTH!  YUM! YUM!
4. After the Dessert Dish-Off -- Kimberly Powell will be donating her hair cutting services for $10.00 Summer Cuts and will be donating ALL proceeds to RAVN improvements! Come on out and get a fresh cut and know your funds are going to beautify your RAVN pool! THANK YOU KIM!
5. Last, but not least ... we are looking for any and ALL donations for our first ever RAVN Village Wide Yard Sale on Friday June 29th & Sat June 30th @ 2452 Lorrie Drive, Marietta, GA 30066... we still need donated items and volunteers to assist. Please contact me at: bambipapp@att.net to arrange.  ALL proceeds will go towards RAVN improvements (ie: resurfacing the pool! woo hoo!)
Thanks everyone!
See you all at the pool!
RAVN Board 

Each post is intended to be information about or for the benefit of Village North Subdivision including events, garage sales, or affecting us in some way. I welcome any news or information about the neighborhood and will share what I think might be of some use, benefit, or just to let you know what is going on.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Help with JoEllen Smith Campaign Signs

We are looking for volunteers to assist with the JoEllen Smith State House campaign between now and the July 31 primary. Immediately we need a couple of young folks--High school or college folks on summer break--to assist with sign placement and delivery around the district. A pick up or van would be helpful. Also needed are folks to do neighborhood walking and/or phone calling to get out the vote.

The winner of this primary will be your State Rep for the next 2 years. Will it be the new blood, JoEllen, or the 18 year incumbent old blood?

Call Steve Covert @ 770-977-9605 or Jim Parker @ 770-265-7293.

Thanks so much,


Each post is intended to be information about or for the benefit of Village North Subdivision including events, garage sales, or affecting us in some way. I welcome any news or information about the neighborhood and will share what I think might be of some use, benefit, or just to let you know what is going on.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Deer naming contest

If anyone hasn't already spotted our "Village North Deer", they have been running around our neighborhood...

My wife saw them about 3 weeks ago running across Lorrie on the way down toward Trent...

Three people I've stopped to talk walking the dog had seen the deer on Bob Bettis this morning walking toward Piedmont Road.

Please send me photos I can post online and we'll name the deer at the Memorial Day Noon to 3 pm event at the RAVN Pool!

Each post is intended to be information about or for the benefit of Village North Subdivision including events, garage sales, or affecting us in some way. I welcome any news or information about the neighborhood and will share what I think might be of some use, benefit, or just to let you know what is going on.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

RAVN Pool Will Open 9:00 am Saturday 5-26-2012

Hello Members, Street Reps, & Board Members ..... WE DID IT!! Pending a minor item to be completed, the Cobb Health Inspectors have approved us to OPEN THIS WEEKEND!! To those that came down to help a sincere THANK YOU for your time, resources & commitment to RAVN Pool!!  
Here are a few quick items I wanted to share:
1. The Pool will be "Officially" open on Saturday 5/26/2012 @ 9:00am
2. REMINDER -- There will be NO LIFEGUARDS
3. An email regarding GATE KEY ACCESS will be sent out within the next few days - the gate will be OPEN for all on 5/26-5/28 so no worries.  
4. An email regarding POOL RULES will be sent out within the next few days. Until that time please adhere to the rules that are currently posted.
5. A Social Events Calendar is in the works!! - a drafted copy will get sent out within a few days and will be posted on the RAVN Activities Board at the pool by the end of the weekend. **The Board will be hosting 3 Summer events:  Memorial Day, 4th of July, and closing day--- the rest will be via volunteer coordinators. **MUCH MORE INFORMATION TO COME** via email & pool postings.
6. Tentative new POOL HOURS: 7:00am - 10:00pm - finaliztion to be sent with Pool Rules
7. Mark your calendar for Monday Memorial Day festivities!!! Bring a dish to share - hot dogs & chips will be on $ALE - start time to be sent out ASAP and posted by Sat 5/26.
**Also if anyone has any donations for the pool - toilet supplies, cleaning supplies, lawn chairs, old grills, paint & lumber for buildings, ect - please contact me! All is welcome & appreciated!
And SPREAD THE WORD to Join, Join, Join... Cause we are SWIMMING THIS SUMMER!!! 

Full Family Membership
$350.00 - for rest of summer!

Social Membership
$125.00 - paid in full anytime

Please send all payments to:
PO Box 669221
Marietta, GA 30066
Thank you to ALL!

Please contact either of the numbers below for additional pool questions. Or reply to this email (preferred).
Bambi Papp: 678-508-1870
Jim Parker: 770-265-7293
David Papp: 678-851-5101

Pool Application below or at the pool:

2012 RAVN Pool Membership Application
Facility located at: 1626 Sonya Dr, Marietta, GA

DATE __________   Amount Paid __________  Check # _______
Amount Due (Select one form of membership)
     Family Membership $325.00 by 3-1-2012
      ___Family Membership $350.00 on or after 5-1-2012 before 5-25-2012
     Family Membership $375.00 after 5-1-2012
     ___ Family Membership 2 Installments of $200.00 each ($400.00 total)
     ___ Social Membership $125.00 (anytime during summer)

Name (Primary Member):  ______________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________
Primary Phone:  _______________  Emergency Phone: _______________
Email: ______________________________________________________
Household Members                                     Ages

Please submit your completed application and payment to:
                P.O. Box 669221
                Marietta, GA  30066

For questions please contact: bambipapp@att.net  OR call 678-508-1870

Each post is intended to be information about or for the benefit of Village North Subdivision including events, garage sales, or affecting us in some way. I welcome any news or information about the neighborhood and will share what I think might be of some use, benefit, or just to let you know what is going on.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Electronics Recycling and Shoe Collection

Electronics Recycling and Shoe Collection

Saturday, May 19, 2012
9 AM to 1 PM

Sprayberry High School
2525 Sandy Plains Road
Marietta, GA 30060


Jim R. Miller Park
2245 Callaway Road
Marietta, GA 30008


• VCRs



Tie or tape your gently worn shoes together before you place them in the collection bins.

Your donation will be delivered to people in need all over the world www.giveshoes.org

See more on the Electronics Recycing Flyer 

Each post is intended to be information about or for the benefit of Village North Subdivision including events, garage sales, or affecting us in some way. I welcome any news or information about the neighborhood and will share what I think might be of some use, benefit, or just to let you know what is going on.
Yes, Pool Will Open
Join  Today!
Thank You to all those that showed up to the Town Hall today! It was great to see everyone and discuss the future of RAVN pool! I wanted to pass on the GREAT NEWS that RAVN pool will be OPENING this Summer 2012!! 
Also, thanks to all those volunteers Sunday 5-6-2012 who removed the pool cover and started cleaning the pool area to get it ready for the summer.  We will need more help to get the pool area ready.  Be on the lookout for more new about when the next cleanup day is scheduled.
However, we are still in need of memberships to ensure a comfortable Summer season and to ensure the financial stability in case of any emergency. We also want to get an early start on 2013 :)  We are extending the membership price of $350.00 for the duration of the summer - please help us keep this great neighborhood asset alive and send in your membership asap!

Full Family Membership
$350.00 - for rest of summer!
Social Membership
$125.00 - paid in full anytime
Please send all payments to:
PO Box 669221
Marietta, GA 30066  

In addition:
We are looking for any donated pool furniture - call & we'll arrange pick up.
We are open for any suggestions for our Summer 2012 Social Events (some great ideas were given today at the Town Hall) - be on the look out for a Summer Schedule soon!!

If you have any questions or need an application,  please contact: Bambi Papp at bambipapp@att.net OR 678-508-1870. 
Looking forward to a wonderful Summer 2012!! :)
Thank you,
Bambi Papp

Each post is intended to be information about or for the benefit of Village North Subdivision including events, garage sales, or affecting us in some way. I welcome any news or information about the neighborhood and will share what I think might be of some use, benefit, or just to let you know what is going on.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

RAVN Events proposed for 2012 Summer of Pool Fun!

Please select events that appeal to your household the most.

  • Wine Tasting 
  • Special Senior Swim Nights or Swim Days or Swim Times
  • Chilli or BBQ cookouts
  • College Football Parties
  • Dessert Parties
  • Pet Walks and Competitions
  • Birthday Parties
  • Meeting place for rallies or neighborhood walks
  • Babysitter Events to entertain children
  • Water aerobic classes
  • Football tail gating
  • Neighborhood yard sales
  • Card or group party games
  • Holiday Parties
  • Neighborhood Farmers Market
  • Teen day/nights
  • Saturday Dinner Parties
  • Senior day/nights
  • Friday Film nights
  • Yoga, Exercise, Jazzercise classes
  • Neighborhood Services list (yard mowing, plumbing etc) 
  • Other social events please specify

We won't have ANY FUN unless we get enough memberships - All memberhips due 5-1-2012!


Each post is intended to be information about or for the benefit of Village North Subdivision including events, garage sales, or affecting us in some way. I welcome any news or information about the neighborhood and will share what I think might be of some use, benefit, or just to let you know what is going on.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hurry! RAVN Pool needs memberships before 5-1-2012

Hurry - Last Chance!
Where will your family be this summer?
Indoors or at the pool?
Let’s open the RAVN pool and have fun!
We plan cookouts, movie nights, & more.
We need memberships by
 5-1-2012 or we close the pool for 2012!.
Family Membership: $350.00
(Paid in Full by May 1st, 2012)
Mail Payments to:
PO Box 669221
Marietta, GA 30066
Call 678-508-1870 for details
See RAVN events thru the
Village North News BLOG @

Each post is intended to be information about or for the benefit of Village North Subdivision including events, garage sales, or affecting us in some way. I welcome any news or information about the neighborhood and will share what I think might be of some use, benefit, or just to let you know what is going on.

2012 RAVN Pool Membership Application

2012 RAVN Pool Membership Application
Facility located at: 1626 Sonya Dr, Marietta, GA 30066

Date______   Amt Pd _____  Check # _____
Amount Due (Select one form of membership)
     Family Membership $325.00 by 3-1-2012
     Family Membership $350.00 by 5-1-2012
     Family Membership $375.00 after 5-1-2012
     Family Membership 2 Installments of $200.00 each ($400.00 total)
     Social Membership $125.00
Name (Primary Member):  ______________________________________
Address: _______________________________
Primary Ph #:  ____________ 
Emergency Ph#: ____________
Email: __________________________________

Household Members                                     Ages
Please submit your completed application and payment to:
                P.O. Box 669221
                Marietta, GA  30066

Any questions? Please contact: bambipapp@att.net  OR 678-508-1870

Each post is intended to be information about or for the benefit of Village North Subdivision including events, garage sales, or affecting us in some way. I welcome any news or information about the neighborhood and will share what I think might be of some use, benefit, or just to let you know what is going on.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

New Front entrance sign is coming soon

Yes - there was an accident this past Saturday morning at the front entrance of the subdivision...and yes, Cobb County Police has contacted a representative in the subdivision to coordinate the replacement of damaged sign -

I'm not sure of all the details and we hope there was nobody seriously hurt in the accident.

Perhaps the sign and vegetation will be a part of the repair, but time will tell how much and when it will be replaced...

In the meantime - are we gonna save our pool???

We need to have more memberships by 5-1-2012 to open the pool this year!

Each post is intended to be information about or for the benefit of Village North Subdivision including events, garage sales, or affecting us in some way. I welcome any news or information about the neighborhood and will share what I think might be of some use, benefit, or just to let you know what is going on.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

$3,000 scholarships available to LGE Credit Union member families/relatives

Lockheed Community Credit Union (www.LGEccu.org) has a college scholarship program this year (for graduating high school seniors) and plans to award 5 scholarships in the amount of $3,000 each to students entering college this Fall. Applicants complete a brief application and answer a short quiz in order to be entered into the drawing, then mail the completed forms to us or drop them off at your local branch. The rules, application & quiz will be available February 6 - April 27, and the drawing will take place on May 4, 2012.

Each post is intended to be information about or for the benefit of Village North Subdivision including events, garage sales, or affecting us in some way. I welcome any news or information about the neighborhood and will share what I think might be of some use, benefit, or just to let you know what is going on.