
Village North News - Keeping our Neighborhood Informed & Connected!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Outdoor Burning Ban - What is it and when is it effective?

Burning yard debris is allowed between October 1st and April 30th, but is banned between May 1st through September 30th. 

Sometimes it doesn't make sense to allow burning leaves outside during the driest part of the year, but I'm only a citizen - what do I know.  All I have is a bunch of leaves and need to get rid of them..and Halloween has come and gone, so I can't give them away!

Here is a list of some rules to follow when you do burn "stuff" (i.e., yard debris only) outside and some penalties/fines:

If you have any questions, contact Cobb County Fire Marshal's Office at (770) 528-8310 or e-mail Fire Marshal's Office at FMOinspections@cobbcounty.org 

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